Life is full of changes. For Maya, that meant a new city, a new school, and new friends. Some of those changes were good and others left her feeling sad and hurt. Being bullied chipped away at her courage and she didn’t feel very confident at all. If you want to have more confidence in yourself, use the tips from Maya to boost your confidence and find your courage. Remember, confidence isn’t cocky, it’s courageous. No matter what you’re tackling in life –whether at school or at home, keep a positive mindset. Confidence is in what you Think, what you Speak, and what you Do.
“It’s Just a Difference, Not a Disadvantage”. I would sit in class, and try my best to pay attention. I just couldn’t remember everything that was taught, and I was starting to have a tough time understanding instructions, or my assignments. I studied harder and harder and nothing changed. I discovered I had a learning difference. There are thousands of kids out there who are just like me. With this book, I will show how I used ‘Power Words,’ and the 7 Steps that helped me increase my confidence and self-esteem. I embrace my 'Gift of Difference'.